Organisational Consulting
I consult directly to businesses, organisations and schools on the intersection between mindfulness, wellbeing and high performance. Often a client will have a particular interest in one or two of these areas but, given how intertwined they are, the the work inevitably captures, and benefits are seen across, all three. My engagement can include strategy, content and program development, Executive Coaching, and delivery of staff professional development. I also love collaborating with other Learning and Development folk. This tends to take the form of a working alliance with other providers of organisational training/development in which I bring to the table my expertise.
Workshops, Panels, Keynotes
I design and deliver bespoke workshops for schools and organisations looking to improve wellbeing and performance and reduce stress and burnout - be it for leaders, staff, students, players, coaches, etc.
The bulk of my work is underpinned by mindfulness theory, research and practice, but I also draw from lots of other areas in psychology - such as neuroscience, clinical psychology, coaching psychology, and wellbeing science more broadly (which captures topics such as resilience, engagement, strengths, meaning, positive relationships, high performance). Whatever the topic, I believe in making the content as contextual as possible and like to work collaboratively with my clients to determine the right mix of content and most impactful program delivery.
In addition to workshops and wellbeing/performance programs, I’m also occasionally spotted presenting at a conference or appearing on a panel.
“Mike has contributed a massive amount of work to Smiling Mind over nearly 4 years, helping to build out our content, particularly around integrating mindfulness into schools, workplaces and in the home; while also being front line facilitating workshops, at commercial pitches and everything in between. He has played leading roles in the Principal Wellbeing program, Mindful Champion, internal mindfulness sessions and the re-writing of our foundational courses - pretty much any program in the last 3-4 years has Mike's touch to it. “
- Nick, Chief Product Officer, Smiling Mind